Welcome To The Portfolio of Brandon Lee


Storage Unit Manager (Version 2.0)

react redux javascript mongodb

This is an app built to give a user the ability to manage and lease Storage Units. Data tracked includes: Leases, Storage Units, Customers and Payments. This app is an updated version of Storage Unit Manager (Version 1.0). The UI is built with React and Bootstrap. Redux is used for state management. API uses ExpressJS and MongoDB.

GitHub GitHub - API

Health Tracker Dashboard

react redux javascript mongodb

This app allows a user to manage their health data. The user interface is created with components in React. The state is managed by Redux. The backend is built with ExpressJS and MongoDB.

GitHub GitHub - API

Storage Unit Manager (Version 1.0)

react redux javascript rubyonrails postgres

This app allows a user to manage their storage units. The user interface is created with components in React. The state is managed by Redux. The backend is built on Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL is used for the database.

storage unit

Brew Review

rubyonrails ruby css sqlite3 omniauth

This app was built using Ruby on Rails. It allows users to upload info and pictures on different microbrews. They can also leave a comment and recommendation on each beer. Sign up is easy with Facebook using omniauth.

beer review

VanillaJS Weather

javascript html postgres rubyonrails

This is a weather app that displays weather data by zip code. A user can sign up for an account and save locations and settings. Settings include dark mode, light mode, Fahrenheit (°F) and Celsius (°C). Weather data is fetched from the OpenWeatherMaps api.


Recipes Sinatra

sinatra ruby sqlite3

The Sinatra framework was used to build this app. Recipes Sinatra allows users to sign up and save recipes to the database. They can also edit their recipes and view recipes submitted from other users.


Ruby Gem - Top Companies Y Combinator

ruby nokogiri

This is a ruby gem. It uses nokogiri to parse HTML from Y Combinator's website and return a list of their top companies. This is a command-line interface(CLI) app.
